Daracote QD



DARACOTE QD is a heavy duty, quick drying, solvent based, bitumen coating. DARACOTE QD is recommended for all types of metal coating applications were rust prevention is required, such as buried fence posts, inside gutters, truck and trailer under bodies or any other exposed metal work. DARACOTE QD is cost effective; its brush able qualities make it easy to use, with excellent adhesion on inferior substrates. The product is supplied in 5Lt. and 25Lt. drums and should be used within six months of the date indicated on the container. Thorough stirring is required before use.

Physical Properties

Colour: Black
Application: Brush, roller or spray.
Coverage: 5m2/L
Total Solids +/- 55%
Specific Gravity: +/- .09
Flash Point: 300c
Drying Time: Does not dry but forms a non tacky film within 12 hours
Dilution: Do not dilute.
Cleaning: White spirits or mineral turpentine      
Flammability: Flammable when wet; observe all fire and ventilation precautions.

Surface preparation

All forms of surface contamination must be removed to ensure a smooth surface, free of any loose material, or any other barrier to adhesion. Steel and galvanised steel surfaces must be free of loose paint, grease, grime, oil and rust. 


DARACOTE QD may be applied by brush, roller or spray. On non porous metal surfaces coverage will be about 5m2 /L 
DARACOTE QD is toxic in a wet state. Once a dry film has developed it has non tainting properties.
Deviation from the specified instructions will automatically invalidate any claim against non performance of the product, which in all circumstances, is restricted to replacement of product proven defective.
Technical assistance and applicator training are freely available to all approved users.

PDF Daracote QD




ALUPASTE is a heavy duty aluminised bituminous waterproofing compound. The compound is brush applied.  It’s extreme brilliance, allows maximum U.V and heat reflection giving increased service life to the substrate. ALUPASTE may be used directly on most roofing systems as well as weather protection on bituminous waterproofing sheeting and compounds. ALUPASTE offers excellent refurbishing qualities on existing bitumen roofing felt applications. The product is supplied in 5Lt. and 25Lt. drums and should be used within six months of the date indicated on the container. Thorough stirring is required before & during use.

Physical Properties

Colour: Silver
Application: Brush, roller or spray.
Coverage: 1m2/L
Total Solids +/- 60%
Specific Gravity: +/- 1.2
Flash Point: 380c
Drying Time: (Between Coats) Minimum 30 minutes at 25ºC at 65% R.H.
Aromatic content: <10%
Cleaning: (Last Coat) 2-3 hours before resistant to rain.
Flammability: Flammable when wet; observe all fire and ventilation precautions.

Surface preparation

All forms of surface contamination must be removed to ensure a smooth surface, free of any loose material, or any other barrier to adhesion. Steel and galvanised steel surfaces must be free of loose paint, grease, grime, oil and rust. Bituminous surfaces and torch on membrane surfaces must be free of dust and all loose material.
Technical assistance and applicator training are freely available to all approved users.


ALUPASTE is best applied by brush, for larger applications a soft broom can be used. 
ALUPASTE must be stirred well, with a flat paddle, before and regularly during application.
Deviation from the specified instructions will automatically invalidate any claim against non performance of the product, which in all circumstances, is restricted to replacement of product proven defective.
Technical assistance and applicator training are freely available to all approved users.

PDF Alupaste